Argentina Birding Tours
Condor Valley has much to offer the birder. Of course the namesake condors are the prime attraction on this 65,000 acre ranch. Rare Andean Condors nest on the ranch and are often visible soaring above the mountains; as many as 50 have been spotted in one day.
Because the ranch encompasses so many square miles of mostly untouched land, it is possible to find many rare northern Argentine species. Both Black-legged and Red-legged Seriemas, locally known as “roadrunners,” are often seen fleeing as you drive along the ranch roads. At night numerous nightjars flush from the road surfaces as well, including the distinctive Scissor-tailed Nightjar.
Colorful Plush-crested Jays congregate in the trees near the Colonial House and a Great Rufous Woodcreeper was seen climbing the trunk of a tree right by the patio.
Southern Crested Caracaras are abundant on the ranch, feasting on the crickets in the fields. Chaco Chachalaca are commonly seen, and Spot-backed Puffbirds can be reliably found in the brushy shrubs just below the loft house. In Spanish the puffbirds are known as Durmili, for their habit of sitting placidly in one place.
Many hummingbirds, including the spectacular Red-tailed Comet, are in the area. You can hear the many birds on the tape of the morning birdsong at the ranch and imagine exploring this natural area, preserved from man’s intruding influences. Come and see Condor Valley for yourself!
Bird List for Condor Valley (March 27-April 4, 2007)
This list was put together by a non-pro birder. We are working hard to get a more complete list available so check back in soon.
- Andean Condor (many seen)
- Black-legged Seriema (Chuña)
- Red-Legged Seriema (Chuña)
- Chaco Chachalaca (Charata)
- Southern Crested Caracara (Carancho)
- American Kestrel (Halconcito Colorado)
- Blue Ground Dove (Palomita Azulada)
- Scissor-tailed Nightjar (Atajacaminos)
- Masked Gnatcatcher (Tacuarita Azul)
- Blue-and-Yellow Tanager (Naranjero)
- Red-tailed Comet (Picaflor)
- Spot-backed Puffbird (Durmili)
- Cinerous Tyrant (Viudita Chaquena)
- Greater Wagtail-Tyrant (Calandrita)
- Fork-tailed Flycatcher (Tijereta)
- Golden-billed Saltator (Pepitero)
- Red-Crested Finch (Brasita de Fuego)
- Rufous-collared Sparrow (chingolo)
- Hooded Siskin (Cabecitanegra Comun)
- Turkey Vulture (Jote)
- Black Vulture (Buitre)
- Blue-crowned Parakeet (Loro)
- Guira Cuckoo (Urraca)
- Rufous Hornero (Hornero)
- Tropical Kingbird (Suirirí Grande)
- Greater Kiskadee (Benteveo, Bichofeo)
- Plush-crested Jay (Urraca común)
- Plumbeous Sierra Finch
- Great Rufous Woodcreeper (Trepador gigante)
Possible Sightings- not confirmed
- Ringed Teal
- Solitary Black Cacique
- Chimango Caracara
- Short-tailed Nightjar species
- Spot-winged Falconet (likely)
- Mitred Parakeet
- Chaco Earthcreeper
- Ultramarine Grosbeak
- Wren species (unknown which)
- Coot species (unknown which)